Thursday, February 23, 2012

The most confident puppy in the room

The most confident puppy in the room,
  • may embarrass itself more frequently,
  • will surely be silenced more,
  • will be put in its place often,
  • may not have the most number of friends,
  • will mess things up for itself and others
But we all know the most confident puppy in the room....


Saturday, February 18, 2012

Angry Facebook Rant

when i log in to FB, I see you, *you* all my FB friends, getting a promotion, eating to your hearts content in some fancy restaurant, enjoying in a wacko party, playing, enjoying, ALWAYS #@$@$, now i do all that, not that i don't! but to see someone do something EVERY FREAKING DAY, kinddaa bums me out, monday someone is getting married, tuesday someone else gets promoted, wednesday someone goes to a really beautiful place with all their friends, thursday someone found the love of their life, friday someone posts the pics of his new car, saturday someone won some football match, sunday someone is taking the whole week off :( @#$@#@#

What do you think, that i can fall in love very monday, get promoted on tuesdays, go dancing on wednesdays, buy BMWs and HArley Davidsons on thursdays, climb Mt. Everest on Fridays, go eat in taj on saturdays, and apply for one week leave every Sunday? There is no way i am going to keep pace with that, and i don't plan to, screw you, i am logging off and going to SLEEP, someone else can *like* all your photos, good night.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

SICP Journey - 1

I have started learning Scheme as functional programming is raising its head once again! Haskell, Clojure, Coffee Script in javascript.

Boy, so here i go,

Here is my fibonacci program,
(define (fibo n)
        (cond ((= 0 n) 0)
              ((= 1 n) 1)
              (else (+ (fibo (- n 1))
                   (fibo (- n 2))

And here is a factorial program,

(define (factprog x)
        (cond ((= 0 x) 1) 
            (else (* x (factprog (- x 1)))

Yup, that's it. So short and so sweet. Better versions of these programs are going to appear, so, watch out!