I got a bit bored today, and wrote this to pass some time. Nothing's special here, but a normal binary search tree implementation in C. I just felt that some other stuff found online to be a little complicated for beginners, well, here is the simplest I could manage.
//Create a node, well in layman's terms, a layout for a container, ie. the container should have one compartment to store the actual data, and two compartments to store the addresses of the children
struct node
struct node *left,*right;
int item;
//To insert something we need the data, passing the head could have been avoided had I kept it as a global variable
void insert(int item,struct node *head)
struct node *tmpNode;
tmpNode = (struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node));
tmpNode->item = item;
tmpNode->right = tmpNode->left = NULL;
//Keep traversing by going either left or right depending on the values, and insert as soon as we find an empty slot
void findplaceNinsert(struct node *tmpNode, struct node *parent)
if(tmpNode->item > parent->item)
{//Go right
if(parent->right == NULL) parent->right = tmpNode;
else findplaceNinsert(tmpNode,parent->right);
{//Go left
if(parent->left == NULL) parent->left = tmpNode;
else findplaceNinsert(tmpNode,parent->left);
//Inorder traversal
void printInorder(struct node *tmpNode)
if(tmpNode->left != NULL) printInorder(tmpNode->left);
printf("%d ",tmpNode->item);
if(tmpNode->right != NULL) printInorder(tmpNode->right);
int main()
struct node *head;
int i,item;
head = (struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node));
head->left = head->right = NULL;
head->item = rand()%100;
printf("\nInserting random numbers...\n");
item = rand()%100;
printf("%d ",item);
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