There are many lies about Christians' converting others, but, nothing is as famous or widely believed than this lie - "Christians convert poor people people by giving them freebies". This argument was used widely during the Orissa and Karnataka riots.
People conveniently ignore the fact, that when people of SC, ST ie people who have special benefits of reservation in jobs/education, food subsidies, free education lose all these when they become Christians. THEY LOSE when they become Christians. So, how can a Christian missionary convert them giving temporary freebies.
Many people deny this. So I am giving the link to an interesting argument (but quite unrelated, anyway they bring this up) I found in wikipedia here.
I am reproducing a few excerpts from that exchange for people who are lazy to read the whole stuff,
* "As to your question about John Mulagadda, he is an Indian Christian with Dalit heritage but he himself is no longer Dalit or SC as per the constitution of India."
* "As a standard in history, crypto believers of any faith were never counted as members of that particular faith. They always had to choose or pay a price for openly professing their faith. In olden days it was martyrdom, in the current scenario it is relinquishing reservation benefits. To be called a Christian in India, one has to relinquish his Dalit or SC status. There are umpteen numbers of Christians with Dalit Heritage who have done that (like Bishop John Mulagadda) and they are numbered amongst the 24 million Indian Christians. The issue of Dalit Christianity affects Christianity in India but it is not an integral part of Christianity in India as of yet.
- BunyanTree (some wikipedia contributor)
If you don't agree clearly explain in your comments.