Federer vs Nadal
by jessoclarence on Feb.28, 2009, under Sports
Today, its a lazy afternoon and with nothing better to do my mind is wandering on some green tennis courts which was just a year ago ruled by the artist from Switzerland. Things have changed so quickly. Though I certainly believe that he will surpass old Pete’s record some day, his claim to the Best Player Ever has been severely dented thanks to the workhorse from Spain.
Nadal is definitely talented, but he lacks the artistry, the silky smoothness, the pure magic of the swiss. His points are labored. His sweat drips to the ground. He lacks the outright dominance (he is definitely dominant but err you would understand what I mean by outright dominance if you see them play). Federer’s magic is inimitable like Sachin’s, or Ronaldinho’s. You are awed, but, when you try it yourself you end becoming the stuff of jokes for an evening. If you disagree with me, how about emulating the brilliance of the Brazilians in your soccer ground.
Psychologists say that people always say that people tend to support the underdog, but it usually isnt the case when it comes to Fed, Sachin and Brazil, even when you are put off by comments like “only I and him (Tiger Woods) know what it feels being invincible”. Hey, maybe thats why I was so glad when someone with no special talents except persistence and hard work, written off by so many (read columnists like Rohit Brijnath) makes the unbeatable cry.
Surely these sporting geniuses work very hard to achieve that smoothness. But, imitating Dravid or Nadal for that matter seems to be possible if only we tried hard enough, were patient enough. Their achievements call out to us, to rise from our easy chairs, to sweat, to toil, so that we too can achieve, so that we too can leave our footprints in the sand. They show us, that it is possible for anyone, everyone if only we try, if only we work for it. They encourage to keep going on, no matter what people say about our talents, skills, to keep trying till (they have shown us, we will) succeed. I am, of course, a fan of the swiss artist, but, when the two clash you’d definitely find me supporting the workhorse from spain.